Books & More

From early Christian writings and spiritual classics to present-day scholars and recent children’s books, we can never exhaust the richness of the resources available to us.

Our team enjoys and recommends the following spiritual reading.

Note: These links include direct links to Catholic businesses, free resources, and Amazon affiliate links (which provide our nonprofit with a small commission).

THe Bible by Ignatius Press

This Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible is by published by Ignatius Press and frequently used by Catholic academics, as well as, our free Catholic Bible studies.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

The Catechism of the Catholic Church connects Sacred Tradition from the Scriptures and Early Church Fathers to recent councils. This is a staple in any domestic church library. Recommended reading for all our studies.

Confessions: by St. Augustine

This copy of St. Augustine’s autobiography is a spiritual classic and has a wonderful foreword by Bishop Robert Barron. THRIVE recommended reading.

A Father who keeps his promises

Dr. Scott Hahn traces God’s patient, fatherly love for His people throughout the Scriptures, while connecting it to our own relationship with Him. THRIVE recommended reading.

the lamb’s supper: the mass as heaven on earth

Dr. Scott Hahn reflects on the imagery of the book of Revelation and its connection with our worship at Mass as a foretaste of Heaven. THRIVE recommended reading.

pray, decide and don’t worry

A guided study of making decisions in a prayerful and intentional way with personal stories, Scriptures, and questions. PARENTING and FORWARD recommended reading.

Introduction to The Devout Life

This spiritual classic by Saint Francis de Sales offers practical and attainable ways to integrate Christian living in daily life and relationships. THRIVE recommended reading.

screwtape letters

This spiritual classic by CS Lewis provides insight into the human struggle with temptation and sin by exploring a fictional training of a junior devil by a senior devil. THRIVE recommended reading.

the magnificat adoration companion

This simple and small Magnificat publication is easy to bring to prayer. It includes history, but also Scriptures, reflections, and prayers to aid in times of Adoration. FORWARD recommended reading.

A psalter for couples

This collection of Psalms is organized by theme and includes texts, prayers, and petitions to guide couples through different seasons of marriage. PARENTING recommended reading.

a mother’s rule of life

This resource is a blend of personal stories on five aspects of a peaceful home. Each chapter includes practical questions and tips for ordering daily life. PARENTING recommended reading.

The Story Of A Soul

This spiritual classic is the autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux. Her “Little Way” of love brings the spiritual life into daily tasks and interactions. THRIVE recommended reading.

divine mercy in my soul - diary of sister m. fAustina kowalska

This spiritual classic is the diary and autobiography of St. Faustina.

PARENTING recommended reading.

Reach More Book and Training by Evangelical Catholic

This book is part of a training program to help educate lay people in discipleship. If you feel called but are unsure how to evangelize, this is a great path for you/your parish to consider. THRIVE recommended reading.

the porn myth

Matt Fradd unpacks the scientific and relational problems with pornography, as well as offers resources to break free from addiction. PARENTING and FORWARD recommended reading.

pocket guide to the sacrament of reconciliation

A quick reference material by Fr. Josh Johnson and Fr. Mike Schmitz to aid in understanding and practical preparation for going to Confession. PARENTING and FORWARD recommended reading.

the wisdom of Fulton Sheen

A compilation of daily quotes of practical spiritual living from Venerable Fulton Sheen. FORWARD recommended reading.

fulton sheen’s wartime prayer book

This pocket-sized book was first compiled as a spiritual resource for soldiers in World War II. It is still relevant to all, especially Catholic leaders. FORWARD recommended reading.

The great adventure bible timeline chart

This is a valuable study resource for all Bible study users. It presents chronological order of salvation history in a color-coded system that helps bring together the “big picture.”

the family fully alive by Knights of Columbus

This free resource provided by the Knights of Columbus is a great liturgical living guide for families. Some parishes use it as a baptism gift for new parents. PARENTING recommended reading.

The Catholic Youth Bible

This New American Bible Revised Edition(NABRE) Youth Bible by St. Mary’s Press provides excellent reference materials throughout its pages for all ages.

A Biblical Walk through the Mass

This book connects the words and practices of the Catholic Mass with the Scriptures passages they quote and incorporate. THRIVE recommended reading.

Bible Basics for Catholics

The covenants of Salvation History and God’s saving plan for His people throughout Scripture are clearly outlined and simply illustrated. THRIVE recommended reading.

The Case for Jesus: The biblical and historical evidence for christ

Dr. Brant Pitre’s work combats doubt that present day skeptics and struggling believers battle with through a multitude of resources and scholarly documents. THRIVE recommended reading.

in caelo et in terra

Daily reflections on saints and blesseds in keepsake form. THRIVE recommended reading.

Angels and Saints

Dr. Scott Hahn offers biblical and theological support for cultivating a relationship with the saints. THRIVE recommended reading.

Theology of home

This book (and book series) will open your eyes to the importance of transforming your living space into one that invites the Lord. FORWARD and PARENTING recommended resource.

the word of the lord: reflections on the mass readings for year b

This three-volume set of weekly reflections unfolds the significance and themes of the Sunday Mass readings for Year B. FORWARD recommended reading.

but i have called you friends

This book focuses on different themes of healthy relationship and spiritual friendship written from the perspective of a religious, but relevant to all. PARENTING and FORWARD recommended reading.

building better families

As stated, this is a practical, approachable guide to parenting well! PARENTING and FORWARD recommended reading.

the thing about fathers

Daily encouragement for fathers. PARENTING recommended reading.

giving thanks and letting go

Danielle Bean shares personal reflections on parenting children who are growing up and leaving home. PARENTING recommended reading.

praying the rosary like never before

Dr. Edward Sri provides clear explanations and biblical reflections on the rosary. PARENTING and FORWARD recommended reading.

the passion of christ through the eyes of mary

Writings of St. Anselm and St. Bernard as they reflect on the suffering of Christ from the perspective of Mary. FORWARD recommended reading.

joyful momentum

This guide for starting up or sustaining parish ministry services is geared towards women, but applicable to other ministries as well. PARENTING and FORWARD recommended reading.

My Picture Book of the Bible

This Magnificat and Ignatius Press board book is a durable and beautiful way to introduce young children to the Old and New Testaments through simple explanations and illustrations.

A missal for Little Ones

Another bright and engaging children’s resource from Magnificat and Ignatius to help elementary age children pray and follow along at the Mass.

The Catholic All Year Compendium

Showcases a variety of ways to incorporate liturgical living at home in thoughtful, practical ways. PARENTING recommended reading.

The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion

Incorporates and highlights a variety of traditional Catholic prayers that correspond nicely with liturgical living. PARENTING recommended resource.

the word of the lord: reflections on the mass readings for year A

This three-volume set of weekly reflections unfolds the significance and themes of the Sunday Mass readings for Year A. FORWARD recommended reading.

magnifiKID! Mass missalettes

We cannot recommend these missalettes enough! These Mass guides for children are a great tool for new and emerging readers to help follow along at Mass.

Jesus and the Jewish roots of Mary

This book goes into great detail about the Biblical and Jewish basis for the Catholic beliefs on the Blessed Virgin Mary. PARENTING and FORWARD recommended reading.

Light of the Saints

This book is a fun, interactive way to "illuminate” children’s connections with the saints by having illustrations that appear when light shines through.

the word of the lord: reflections on the mass readings

This three-volume set of weekly reflections unfolds the significance and themes of Mass readings on solemnities and feasts. FORWARD recommended reading.

divine mercy for moms

This book explores the corporal and spiritual works of mercy as lived out by mothers, through the lens of St. Faustina. PARENTING recommended reading.

The Way by St. Josemaría Escrivá

This spiritual classic offers short paragraphs of spiritual reflection on various themes to orient daily life to great holiness and growth. FORWARD recommended reading.

the word of the lord: reflections on the mass readings for year c

This three-volume set of weekly reflections unfolds the significance and themes of the Sunday Mass readings for Year C. FORWARD recommended reading.

st. monica anD the power of persistent prayer

Stories of the virtue and prayer of St. Monica, along with reflections from her son, St. Augustine, after his conversion. PARENTING recommended reading.

“And when they read it, they rejoiced…” Acts 15:31